mercredi 25 septembre 2013

Sticklebacks, sea horses and scorpionfish

Re-post 05.2013

We caught a fifteen-spined stickleback today. It looks very similar to pipefish we often catch during the samplings. Although sitcklebacks, seahorses and pipefishes were classified at first as close relatives, it appears sticklebacks are closer to scorpionfish. Spiny stuffs... :)

More here:

Marine newts?

Re-post 05.2011

This is what I found in a pond at Rauma. The proximity to the sea (10m) leads me to believe the larvae might tolerate brackish water.

Fais ce que je dis, pas ce que je fais...

Re-post 05.2011

When supervising students on the field, you want to give them as many tips, warnings and indications as possible. For instance, I always tell my students to be careful when using the nets as the rocks are very slippery so they can fall and hurt themselves. Guess who felt into the water while waring the student...

Yep - I did...

Moving to the new webpage

Moving what was on my previous blog to the new one... Took a while to find some time and just do it but now it's done.