Alexandre S. J. Budria
Research interests
- Global Change Biology - Marine and Freshwater Ecology - Environmental Policing
Academic education and professional experience
2024 onwards Group leader - Direction départementale des territoires de la Haute-Marne, Chaumont, France.
“Policing of aquatic environments and policies of natural risks"
“Policing of aquatic environments and policies of natural risks"
2022-2024 Project manager - Office Français de la Biodiversité, Orléans/Dry, France.
“National management of environmental police"
2019-2021 Project manager - Direction départementale des territoires d'Eure-et-Loir, Chartres, France.
“Wastewater management policies"
2018 Post-doctoral researcher (Independent Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow) - Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Texel, The Netherlands.
“Underwater noise pollution and disease in marine invertebrates" link
2017 Project manager - Agence Française pour la Biodiversité, Brest, France.
“Implementation of MSFD monitoring programmes in France: pelagic habitats and eutrophication"
2016 Post-doctoral researcher - Laboratoire d'Océanologie et de Géosciences, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, Wimereux, France.
“Development of 'Good Ecological Status' indicators under MSFD for pelagic habitats in the North East Atlantic" link
2015 Research assistant - Ecological Genetics Research Unit, University of Helsinki, Finland.
“Trapping methods in stickleback fisheries” link
2015 Ph.D. in Biological and Environmental Sciences - Helsinki Stickleback Group, University of Helsinki, Finland.
“Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea and parasites of the threespine stickleback” link
2009 M.Sc. "Genes, Selection, Adaptation" - University of Burgundy & University Claude Bernard - Lyon I, France.
2006 B.Sc. "Biology of organisms" - University of Burgundy, France & University of Leeds, UK.
“National management of environmental police"
2019-2021 Project manager - Direction départementale des territoires d'Eure-et-Loir, Chartres, France.
“Wastewater management policies"
2018 Post-doctoral researcher (Independent Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow) - Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Texel, The Netherlands.
“Underwater noise pollution and disease in marine invertebrates" link
2017 Project manager - Agence Française pour la Biodiversité, Brest, France.
“Implementation of MSFD monitoring programmes in France: pelagic habitats and eutrophication"
2016 Post-doctoral researcher - Laboratoire d'Océanologie et de Géosciences, Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, Wimereux, France.
“Development of 'Good Ecological Status' indicators under MSFD for pelagic habitats in the North East Atlantic" link
2015 Research assistant - Ecological Genetics Research Unit, University of Helsinki, Finland.
“Trapping methods in stickleback fisheries” link
2015 Ph.D. in Biological and Environmental Sciences - Helsinki Stickleback Group, University of Helsinki, Finland.
“Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea and parasites of the threespine stickleback” link
2009 M.Sc. "Genes, Selection, Adaptation" - University of Burgundy & University Claude Bernard - Lyon I, France.
2006 B.Sc. "Biology of organisms" - University of Burgundy, France & University of Leeds, UK.
Direction of students and teaching experience
2020 Mélliéha Crosnier. Discovery of french environmental policies. 1 week internship (secondary school student).
2017-2018 Modelling biological systems: from molecules to ecosystems, M.Sc. students. University of Mainz, Germany. Total: 12 hours, in English.
Lead for practicals on game theory.
2011-2016 Principles in Evolutionary Biology, B.Sc. students. University of Helsinki. Total: 26 hours, in English.
Lead for practicals on sexual selection.
Lead for practicals on game theory.
2011-2016 Principles in Evolutionary Biology, B.Sc. students. University of Helsinki. Total: 26 hours, in English.
Lead for practicals on sexual selection.
2011 B.Sc. Sophie Renard. Eutrophication and parasite diversity in the Baltic. 2 months project.
Co-direction: Dr. U. Candolin, University of Helsinki.
2006-2007 Tutoring of first year students. University of Burgundy. Total: 16 hours, in French.
Publication list
(9) Berkhout B.W., Budria, A., Thieltges, D.W.T., Slabbekoorn, F.D.P. (2023) Anthropogenic noise pollution and wildlife diseases. Trends in Parasitology. 39(3):181-190 link
(8) Ostle, C., Paxman, K., Graves, C.A., Arnold, M., Artigas, F., Atkinson, A., Aubert, A., Baptie, M., Bear, B., Bedford, J., Best, M., Bresnan, E., Brittain, R., Broughton, D., Budria, A. et al. (2021) The Plankton Lifeform Extraction Tool: A digital tool to increase the discoverability and usability of plankton time-series data. Earth System Science Data. link
(7) Bedford, J., Ostle, C., Johns, D., Budria, A., McQuatters-Gollop (2020) The influence of temporal scale selection on pelagic habitat biodiversity indicators. Ecological Indicators. 114:106311 link
(6) Budria, A. (2017) Beyond troubled waters: the influence of eutrophication on host-parasite interactions. Functional Ecology. 35(7):1348-1358. link
(5) Candolin, U., Johanson, A. & Budria, A. (2016) The influence of stickleback on the accumulation of primary production: a comparison of field and experimental data. Estuaries and Coasts. 39(1):248-257. link
(7) Bedford, J., Ostle, C., Johns, D., Budria, A., McQuatters-Gollop (2020) The influence of temporal scale selection on pelagic habitat biodiversity indicators. Ecological Indicators. 114:106311 link
(6) Budria, A. (2017) Beyond troubled waters: the influence of eutrophication on host-parasite interactions. Functional Ecology. 35(7):1348-1358. link
(5) Candolin, U., Johanson, A. & Budria, A. (2016) The influence of stickleback on the accumulation of primary production: a comparison of field and experimental data. Estuaries and Coasts. 39(1):248-257. link
(3) Budria, A. &
Candolin, U. (2015) Human-induced eutrophication maintains high parasite
prevalence in breeding threespine stickleback populations. Parasitology.
142(5):719-727. link
(2) Budria, A. & Candolin, U. (2015) Do algae blooms dilute the risk of trematode infections in threespine sticklebacks? Current Zoology. 61(6): 991-995. link
-- European deliverables --
Budria, A.,
Aubert, A., Ostle, C., Rombouts, I., Artigas, L. F., Goberville, E., Johns, D.,
Corcoran, E., Padegimas, B. & McQuatters-Gollop, A. 2017. WP1 Pelagic
Habitats – Deliverable 1.4 Report “Cross-linking plankton indicators to better
define GES of pelagic habitats.” OSPAR Commission. link
Aubert, A., Rombouts,
I., Artigas, L. F., Budria, A., Ostle, C., Padegimas, B. &
McQuatters-Gollop, A. 2017. WP1 Pelagic Habitats – Deliverable 1.2 Report
“Combining methods and data for a more holistic assessment of the plankton
community.” OSPAR Commission. link
Ostle, C., Artigas, L.
F., Atkinson, A., Aubert, A., Budria, A.,
Graham, G., Helaouët, P., Johansen, M., Johns, D., Padegimas, B., Rombouts, I.,
Widdicombe, C. & McQuatters-Gollop, A. 2017. WP1 Pelagic Habitats –
Deliverable 1.3 “Spatial representativity of plankton indicators.” OSPAR Commission. link
Ostle, C., Aubert, A., Artigas, L.F., Rombouts, I., Budria, A., Graham, G., Johansen, M., Johns, D., Padegimas, B. & McQuatters-Gallop, A. 2016. WP1 Pelagic Habitats – Programming outputs for constructing plankton lifeform indicator from disparate data types. OSPAR Commission. link
Elliott, S.A.M.,
Arroyo, N.L., Safi, G., Ostle, C., Guérin, L., McQuatters-Gallop, A., Aubert, A., Artigas, L.F., Budria, A., Rombouts, I., Pesch, R., Schmitt,
P., Vina-Herbon, C., Meakins, B., Gonzàlez-Irusta, J., Preciado, I., Lopez-Lopez, L., Punzon, A., Torriente, A., Serrano, A., Haraldsson, M., Capuzzo, E., Claquin, P., Krompkamp, J., Niquil, N., Judd, A., Padegimas, B. & Corcoran, E. 2017. WP4 Ecosystem Perspective –
Deliverable 4.1 Report “Proposed approaches for the integration of pelagic,
benthic and food web indicators.” OSPAR
Commission. link
Referee activities
Since 2021 - Evaluator/Expert to the Horizon Europe - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships programme (Horizon-MSCA-PF).
Peer-reviewing: Acta Ethologica ; BMC Ecology ; Behavioral Ecology ; Boreal Environment Research ; Canadian Journal of Zoology ; Ecology of Freshwater Fish ; Evolution ; Freshwater Biology ; Functional Ecology ; Global Change Biology ; International Journal for Parasitology ; Journal of
Fish Biology ; Parasitology ; Peerage of Science ; Peer J ; PLOS One ; Proceedings of the Royal Society
Grants and awards
2017 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (165,598.80€)
Nomination for Haldane Prize for early career researchers
Nomination for Haldane Prize for early career researchers
2015 Oikos Finland (115€)
University of Helsinki dissertation grant (1,000€)
2014 Faculty of Biological and
Environmental Sciences of the University of Helsinki's dissertation completion
grant (3,600€)
2013 Maj and Tor
Nessling Foundation (11,250€)
Chancellor of the University of Helsinki's travel
grant (1,193€)
2012 Chancellor
of the University of Helsinki's travel grant (1,430€)
Price for second best talk at the 22nd Spring Symposium (80€)
2011 LUOVA
doctoral school (520€)
2008 Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (£220)
Invited lectures
2017 Budria, A. Parasites getting into trouble in murky waters. Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III (France).
Budria, A. From plankton to fish parasites - Responses of marine organisms to human-induced environmental changes and their use as bioindicators. INRA, Rennes (France). link
2017 Budria, A. Parasites getting into trouble in murky waters. Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III (France).
Budria, A. From plankton to fish parasites - Responses of marine organisms to human-induced environmental changes and their use as bioindicators. INRA, Rennes (France). link
2016 Budria, A. Beyond troubled waters: the influence of eutrophication on parasites in the Baltic Sea. MREN/Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, Wimereux (France). link
2017 Ostle, C., Aubert, A., Budria, A., Rombouts, I., Artigas, L.F., Atkinson, A., Graham, G., Helaouët, P., Johansen, M., Johns, D., Padegimas, B. & McQuatters-Gollop, A. Suggested approach for the integration of Pelagic Habitat and Food Web Indicators. Final EcApRHA Conference, London (UK).
2016 Artigas, L.F., Louchart, A., Budria,
A., Aubert, A., Duflos, M., McQuatters-Gollop, A., Ostle, C., Rombouts, I.,
de Blok, R., Créach, V., Lefebvre, A., Lizon, F., Rijkeboer, M., Tyberghein,
L., Wacquet, G. & Veen, A. On the use of automated approaches for addressing
Pelagic Habitat Indicators for MSFD, North Sea Open Conference, Osteend (Belgium).
Rombouts, I., Budria, A., Aubert, A., Ostle, C.,
Johansen, M., Duflos, M., Padegimas, B., McQuatters-Gollop, A. & Artigas,
L.F. A holistic assessment fo plankton diversity under the Marine Strategy
Framework Directive – Approaches developed for defining plankton indicators of
GES in OSPAR regions, DEVOTES Final Conference, Brussels (Belgium).
Budria, A., Duflos, M.,
Artigas, L.F., Ostle, C., Aubert, A., Rombouts, I., Graham, G., Johansen, M.,
Johns, D., Padigamas, B. & McQuatters-Gollop, A. Indicators of pelagic
habitats: approaches developed under OSPAR, SOMLIT Intercomparison meeting,
Dinard (France).
2015 Budria, A., Blanchet,
F.G. & Candolin, U. Eutrophication and parasitism in the Baltic Sea: a
matter of scale, Oikos meeting, Joensuu (Finland).
2014 Budria, A., Blanchet,
F.G. & Candolin, U. Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea and parasites of the
threespine stickleback – local vs. regional patterns, Aura symposium, Turku
Budria, A., Blanchet, F.G. & Candolin, U. Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea and parasites of the threespine stickleback – local vs. regional patterns, Ecology and evolution of marine parasites and diseases, Texel (The Netherlands).
Budria, A., Blanchet, F.G. & Candolin, U. Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea and parasites of the threespine stickleback – local vs. regional patterns, Ecology and evolution of marine parasites and diseases, Texel (The Netherlands).
Budria, A., Blanchet, F.G.
& Candolin, U. Epizootics of tapeworm infections in Baltic stickleback
populations, 22nd Spring Symposium, Helsinki (Finland).
2012 Budria, A. &
Candolin, U. Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea: can parasite reveal human impact
on the environment?, 20th Spring Symposium, Helsinki (Finland).
2011 Budria, A. & Candolin, U. Eutrophication-mediated trade-off
between reproduction and defence against parasites, Life History Workshop,
Schiermonnikoog (The Netherlands).
Budria A. & Fournier, D.
Evolution by means of natural selection, Evolution workshop: evolutionary
concepts applied to medicine, Berlin (Germany).
Budria A. Infectious diseases
– the importance of population evolution, Evolution workshop: evolutionary
concepts applied to medicine, Berlin (Germany).
Budria, A. & Candolin Fish
parasites: the role of human-induced eutrophication in the Baltic Sea, Seminar
series in Ecology and Evolution for post-graduate students, Helsinki (Finland).
2010 Budria, A. & Candolin
Research plan: Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea: effects of parasites on
threespine stickleback populations, Contemporary evolution workshop: humans as
agents of selection, Bergen (Norway).
Organisation of scientific events
2015 Parasites in aquatic ecosystems, Helsinki (Finland)
2012-2014 Seminars for post-graduate students (HY), Helsinki (Finland)
2012 21st Spring Symposium, Helsinki (Finland)
2011 Evolution workshop, Max Delbrück Centre for Biomedical Research (Berlin, Germany)
2017 Budria,
A. Parasites getting into trouble in murky waters. Lay summary for the website of Functional Ecology.
Interviewed for the blog "Functional Ecologists". link
Interviewed for the blog "Functional Ecologists". link
2012 Interviewed
for "Evolution in action" short educational movie series. link
2010 onwards Maintenance of the present research blog.
2008 Budria,
A. La sélection de parentèle. Plume! 6:6-7.
2007 Budria,
A. Les grenouilles choristes. Plume!
5:12. link
Mushroom picking (and eating!)
Drawing, pyrography (and moomin...)
Bass guitar
Shorinji Kempo